Seminar with Jonathan Jones (@jonathandgjones) from the @TheSainsburyLab
Investigating and exploiting plant immune receptor mechanisms for crop disease control
⏰4:00 - 5:00 P.M.
Learn more: https://bese.kaust.edu.sa/events/detail/2024/12/11/default-calendar/investigating-and-exploiting-plant-immune-receptor-mechanisms-for-crop-disease-control
@BESEStudents @BrandeWulff
VACANCY - We're looking for a Postdoctoral Researcher to join the Saunders group @Saunders_Lab, to decipher the role of epigenetic switching in supporting virulence gains for wheat rust fungi.
Closing date - 17 November 2024
Contract - 3 years, full-time
I thoroughly recommend these independent research fellowships at @JohnInnesCentre to all aspiring group leaders. Being awarded one of these fellowships really launched my independent research career. https://www.jic.ac.uk/vacancies/independent-research-fellowships/?utm_campaign=Oktopost-VACANCY+-+Independent+Research+Fellowships+2024&utm_content=Oktopost-facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook
1/4 - Check out our pre-print on population genomics in tef - an amazing African cereal with gluten-free grains, rich in fibre and nutrients and becoming a “superfood” globally. Pre-print 👉 https://tinyurl.com/48e773ut.
Dr Brande Wulff
Brande is a molecular plant pathologist and geneticist. He works in the Center for Desert Agriculture, in the Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), and he is an Honorary Reader at the University of East Anglia. Prior to joining KAUST, Brande Worked as a Group Leader in the John Innes Centre (2014-2021), and as Research Manager of The Sainsbury Laboratory 2Blades Group (2010-2014). Brande conducted postdoctoral work in the IBMCP, Valencia, Spain and IBMP, Strasbourg, France (with fellowships from EMBO and HFSP). He received his PhD from The Sainsbury Laboratory in 2002.
Brande’s research program explores the genetics of disease resistance in wheat. This has led to developing fast, new and efficient methods for gene discovery and cloning which use mutant and natural populations followed by sequence alignment to locate genes. Brande has also co-developed a method for halving the generation time of wheat and other crops, in a controlled environment, dramatically speeding up capabilities for research and breeding purposes. His long-term aim is to use cloned genes from wild ancestors of wheat to engineer durable resistance to these diseases in cultivated wheat.
We established the Open Wild Wheat Consortium – an international program that seeks to sequence >600 accessions of the wild diploid wheat Aegilops tauschii and generate a reference-quality pan-genome. This will speed up the discovery and delivery of genetic variation into bread wheat for traits underpinning yield, environmental resilience and quality.